Bill Gates opined these six achievements were impressive in 2015

The founding person of Microsoft Corporation, Bill Gates On his personal blog publish a personal perspective of notable events in 2015 that made the year fabulous.

Gates however mention but a few ups-and-downs the world have to go through in the past year, we heard cases of terrorism, climate change,  Ebola outbreak in Africa and much more.

Despite all these challenges, Gates thinks these Six achievements made 2015 an unforgettable year.

1. Zero case of Polio recorded in Africa.

2. The Astrophysicist Neil de grasse Tyson defended science impressively by bagging the prestigious National Academy of science Award.

3. The three Nobel Medicine Researchers honoured with Nobel prize for successfully developing tools to combat economically disadvantageous diseases.

1. William C. Campbell, USA
2. Satoshi Omura, Japan
3. Tu Youyou, China- Artemisinin malaria Vaccine.

4. Free SAT/PSAT test prep portal launched, courtesy of Khan Academy and SAT

5. Eventually,  after 15 years endemic Rubella Virus was totally eliminated and more than 100,000 children were saved.

6. Rapid growth of mobile banking across developing Countries of the world, as seen especially in Africa, Brazil, France.

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